World Water Day is the perfect time to come together in community to celebrate the value and sacredness of water. The focus of this UN International World Water Day is honouring the value of water.
Water Engineer Dr. Eric Schiller, Singer/Songwriter Pat Mayberry and OWSAG's Program Coordinator Maryanne MacDonald led a celebration for water on Monday, March 22 from 7-8:30pm. During this event, there was a video, presentation, discussion and songs about water. You can watch Dr. Eric Schiller's talk here and the full recording here.
Thank you for your letters to get single-use water bottles in the Feds' 2021 Plastics Ban!12/20/2020 The Ottawa Water Study/Action Group thanks all of you who sent in letters to Minister Wilkinson and the Director of the Plastics and Marine Litter Division of ECCC to urge that single-use plastic water bottles be including in the federal governments 2021 plastics ban. You also asked if the Canadian Bottled Water Association or the Canadian Beverage Association lobby the federal government to keep single-use water bottles off the list of banned plastics.
Read more here. The comment period closed on December 9, 2020. We hope the government hears your important concerns and will keep you posted on any updates. Wishing you all a happy, health and safe holiday season and we look forward to continuing our work together to promote clean, safe and healthy tap water for generations to come! Watch this powerful and hard-hitting documentary at home for FREE and join us for a discussion at 7 pm on November 24!
THE STORY OF PLASTIC takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the world wide effect it has on the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it. Spanning three continents, the film illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash, rivers and seas clogged with waste, and skies choked with the poisonous emissions from plastic production and processing. With engaging original animation, archival industry footage beginning in the 1930s, and first-person accounts of the unfolding emergency, the film distills a complex problem that is increasingly affecting the planet’s and its residents’ well-being. Watch the film at home: November 11– November 24, 2020 Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 7 – 8:30 pm ET: Online Discussion (no film viewing): Join Dr. Eric Schiller, Water Resources Engineer, Prof. (ret) University of Ottawa, founding member of Ottawa Water Study/Action Group (OWSAG) and others in a community discussion about The Story of Plastic. Once you have registered, we will send you the internet link to the film and supporting materials. You will receive the zoom link for the discussion on Tuesday, November 24 at the latest. Register here.
On Wednesday, October 7, Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson released a list of specific items to be part of the federal government's single-use plastics ban in 2021. The list includes grocery checkout bags, straws, stir sticks, six-pack rings, plastic cutlery and food takeout containers made from hard-to-recycle plastics (like black plastic packaging).
OWSAG was shocked that single-use water bottles were not on the list nor was it mentioned in the discussion paper, A proposed integrated management approach to plastic products, on which the federal government is inviting feedback by December 9, 2020. Eric Schiller, Founding Member of OWSAG, wrote a letter to Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson urging that single-use water bottles be included on the list and asking for an explanation as to why the banning of plastic water bottles has not been included on the list of plastics to be banned in 2021. Dr. Schiller also wrote asking if the Canadian Bottled Water Association or the Canadian Beverage Association lobbied the federal government to keep single-use water bottles off the list of banned plastics. Click 'Read More' at the bottom right to read Dr. Schiller's letters. Here are 3 ways you can take action: 1. Write an email to Minister Wilkinson and the Director of the Plastics and Marine Litter Division of ECCC by using this template letter here. 2. Call Minister Wilkinson (Parliament Hill office: 613-995-1225 / Constituency office in North Vancouver: 604-775-6333). 3. Share our posts from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Urge them to include single-use water bottles in the federal government's 2021 ban and ask them if the Canadian Bottled Water Association or the Canadian Beverage Association lobbied the government in its decision. The government is accepting comments until December 9, 2020. |