Call on Ottawa's Municipal Council to
stop selling bottled water
Ottawa produces and delivers some of the highest quality and safest drinking water in Canada and around the world.
The Ottawa Water Study/Action Group (OWSAG) is calling on Ottawa City Council to stop selling single-use plastic bottled water in municipal buildings and promote its own high quality tap water instead. Join OWSAG and its members and supporters by signing the declaration below.
On June 26, 2019, Ottawa City Council passed a motion to eliminate single-use plastics in municipal buildings, including finding alternatives to the current contract with Coca-Cola. Thanks for your support leading up to this!
Sign and share the Declaration today!
PRINT DECLARATION: You can also download and print the Declaration below to gather signatures at events. Email [email protected] and we will arrange to get them from you. Thank you in advance!
The Ottawa Water Study/Action Group (OWSAG) is calling on Ottawa City Council to stop selling single-use plastic bottled water in municipal buildings and promote its own high quality tap water instead. Join OWSAG and its members and supporters by signing the declaration below.
On June 26, 2019, Ottawa City Council passed a motion to eliminate single-use plastics in municipal buildings, including finding alternatives to the current contract with Coca-Cola. Thanks for your support leading up to this!
Sign and share the Declaration today!
PRINT DECLARATION: You can also download and print the Declaration below to gather signatures at events. Email [email protected] and we will arrange to get them from you. Thank you in advance!
Bottled Water Declaration / Déclaration sur l'eau en bouteille
The City of Ottawa’s tap water ranks among the safest and cleanest in the world; over 100,000 quality tests are performed per year, testing for dozens of organic and inorganic substances. In contrast, bottled water is subject to fewer laws, contributes to rapid environmental decline, and is sold at exorbitant prices on municipal property.
We, the undersigned, are calling on Council to cease selling bottled water in all City buildings, and instead promote the City’s own high-quality tap water.
L'eau de robinet de la ville d'Ottawa est parmi les meilleures et les plus sûres au monde; plus de 100 000 tests de qualité sont effectués par année, et ces tests visent des dizaines de substances organiques et inorganiques. Par contre, l'eau en bouteille est soumise à moins de règlements, contribue à un déclin rapide de l'environnement, et elle est vendue à des prix exorbitants sur les lieux-mêmes de la municipalité.
Nous, soussignés, lançons un appel au Conseil municipal de cesser la vente de l'eau en bouteille dans tous les édifices de la municipalité, et de promouvoir l'eau de la ville d'Ottawa, qui est une eau du robinet de grande qualité.